
NAX Solutions Launches Tuk Tuk Mail: An Email Service Supporting Thai Email Addresses

on June 5, 2024        by Naritcha

Nax Solutions Co., Ltd., an IT solutions provider, has launched Tuk Tuk Mail, an email service that supports Thai email addresses (Email Address Internationalization). This service has achieved Gold certification from the UASG EAI Self Certification Guide of the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG), ensuring the quality and effectiveness of Thai email systems.

The support for Thai email addresses by Tuk Tuk Mail represents a significant advancement, allowing organizations and users to create email addresses that reflect their own language and culture. This eliminates the need to rely solely on English-language email addresses, making communication more convenient, faster and accessible to a wider user audience.

Email service providers can check their systems to ensure compatibility with Thai email addresses through UASG. THNIC experts are available for further guidance. You can request advice on installing systems to support Thai email addresses at or ติดต่อ@ทีเอชนิค.องค์กร.ไทย.

For those interested in trying Thai email addresses such as อนาวิล@คน.ไทย, you can create your own Thai email address and sign up for free at www.คน.ไทย

For more information on Email Address Internationalization (EAI), read the following documents: รู้จัก.ไทย/ชื่ออีเมลภาษาไทย-eai/

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